Hi, thanks for checking my blog and in this blog i am going to talk about recent experienced on FEP Binusian 2020.

So, we started this FEP which stands for Freshmen Enrichment Program on August 15. We who started FEP on August 15 are the 4th batch out of 5 or 6 i guess, i don’t know exactly how many are they. Our batch is called DBN, D indicates that we are the 4th batch and i have no idea what BN means or stands for.

The first day of FEP started on Monday 9 am at Syahdan campus. I’ve never been on Syahdan campus before so i was using Waze (navigation app) to find the campus. I woke up early and went there early as well. I arrived there at around 8 am. My class was K1B and i had no idea where that is. Then i found out K1B is in K building, 1st floor, B class. I found the class after about 5 minutes. I then sit in front of the class alone…

Few minutes passed then there was this person sit next to me and he asked me which class am i in. His name is Lisky and that’s how i meet my first university friend. Then we entered the class and met other students. We also met our BC’s that would accompany us through this orientation.

The next day we were told to wore white plain shirt and black fabric trousers for the rest of this general orientation. We attended class talking about ‘Binusian Journey’ and ‘Bunga Rampai’. I don’t remember what both of them about because.., because i just forgot. What i remember is that day we were told to make our own ‘yel-yel’, memorise Binusian ‘yel-yel’, memorize Binusan song and Binus anthem. So we spend the rest of the day trying to memorise them.

On Wednesday, it was a special day. It was the Indonesia’s independence day. So we were asked to held the 17th of August ceremony. After about one hour on the field, we were heading into games. There were about 5 games. Well, i didn’t participate in any of those games, because it’s just not me. One of my fellow classmate won an eating crackers (makan kerupuk) contest. I didn’t know how did he do it, probably using some black magic or anything like it (just kidding). But people who didn’t participate in any of those games were just waiting while doing nothing. We waited for almost 5 hours just sitting under what they called Chinese gazebo. You know what, it doesn’t even have any Chinese element on it. It’s just a ordinary gazebo. So these idle men, we were just practicing our class ‘yel-yel’. We were allowed to went home at 1 or 2 pm.

Thursday. We entered class about success in university and code of conduct. Later that day we were explained about Binus Maya. Binus Maya is a website for Binusian to see class schedule and other things that related to Binus.

On Friday, we were explained about exams, registration on the morning. At 3 pm we entered the auditorium. It was a huge auditorium. I had never been there before. The class was about Binus Way. We got a warm welcome from the Vice Rector of Binus, Mr.Andreas Chang. Hmm, i forget his title, but he has some title on him. After that we got a presentation about ‘UKM’ which is a extracurricular in Binus.

Saturday was peak of the event. Last day of general orientation. They also held expo for ‘UKM’ that we had seen the day before. That day, we determined what ‘UKM’ would we participate in. We were given about 3 hours to enrolled in ‘UKM’ that we want. After the expo was over, we were all gathered in like a big hall which they use also for playing basketball. At that big hall, we were performing our own class ‘yel-yel’. It was a fun time because all of the ‘yel-yel’ is funny and weird at the same time. After the orientation ended, we all took photos and just having fun until we all went home.

That’s me sharing my experienced on FEP, thanks for reading and i hope you like it.

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